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She Said Why Me 為何是她
She Said Why Me 為何是她
She Said Why Me 為何是她

She Said Why Me為何是她

Single-channel Video
production year /
duration /

A remake of May Fung’s work She Said Why Me (1989). She does not run amok in the city anymore. This was once her city, but now it is no longer hers. Did the city desert her, or did she reject it instead? She is not moving now, staying put, using her hands and body to push herself away.


這部作品記錄了兩名女子的舉手投足。二人衣着簡便,分別穿上淡黃和深綠的淨色襯衣以及鬆身長褲(製作人員名單顯示二人為藝術家本人和 馮美娟)。她們先後現身於香港的不同角落:池塘邊的草地、繁忙的十字路口,還有添馬公園。馮美華總安排一名女子站在鏡頭中央位置,她的動作雖然流暢,恍似在跳舞或游泳,卻始終留在原地。片中的畫與聲,不論獨白或哼唱,都十分緩慢。正如早年的版本,女主角在新作裏依然顯得格格不入。不再蒙眼的她們如今無處可去,縱然有意識地擺動身體,卻似乎仍是徒勞無功。

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about the artist /

May Fung created over 10 short experimental films between 1977 and 1985 and over 20 video works from1986 onwards. Later she created video installations and put video art into the theatre. Fung is also passionate about the development of visual and performing arts, and received a fellowship from the Asian Culture Council for researching video art in New Yorkin 1994. In 1999 Fung was awarded the Hong Kong Arts Development Council “Arts Development Scholarship” for video installation art. She has been an assessor or juror for various video and film festivals/exhibition in Hong Kong, and is now an examiner and advisor to the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In addition, Fung is the chairperson of Art & Culture Outreach, a non-profit charitable arts organization.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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