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Simplified Chinese
Single-channel Video
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Verbuchstabieren – is a word created by the artist based on the word-building in German, the implicit meaning of which reflects the influence on Asian languages in their structure by the language of the alphabet and points to the cultural colonial overtones behind it. In Chinese, the artist’s name “Yinglin” means crystal clear forest. But as we can see now, the image implied in the artist’s name “Yinglin” is lost in the process of the transformation of the name by the alphabet. So the artist used her name to create an autobiographical character-“Yinglin”- in the second part of the trilogy.

“Yinglin” wanted to live in MONDO, the world created in the first part of the trilogy, and she prepared and submitted a lot of applications for it. In MONDO’s letter to “Yinglin”, there is a social contract. Signing this contract is a prerequisite to be able to go to MONDO. There are five clauses in this contract, which correspond to different aspects related to “language, culture and identity”. The oppression of “Yinglin’s” language and culture is evident in the social contract. By signing the social contract, “Yinglin” are complying with the terms of the social contract, and this also implies obedience to these terms and to these oppressions. After signing the social contract, “Yinglin” lost her glowing forest and became eligible to go to MONDO. At this point, “Yinglin” begins to be accompanied by fragmentation and struggle.


在MONDO給Yinglin的回信中,有著一份社會契約書。在這份契約書上簽字是能夠前往MONDO的先決條件。在這份契約書中有5個條款,分別對應了不同的與“語言、文化以及身份”有關的方面。該社會契約書對於”Yinglin”的語言和文化的壓迫是顯而易見的。 ”Yinglin”在社會契約書上簽字就意味著要遵守社會契約書中的條款,也意味著對於這些條款以及對於這些壓迫的服從。在簽署了社會契約書以後,”Yinglin”失去了她的發光的樹林,獲得了前往MONDO的資格。此時,“Yinglin”開始伴隨著割裂和掙扎。

about the artist /

ZHOU Yinglin is a video and new media artist based on time-based media and digital virtual technology, currently living and working in Berlin/Linz. She holds the title of Outstanding Master’s Graduate of University of the Arts Berlin and is a PhD candidate at the University of the Arts Linz. In recent years, the artist has been researching on identity, digital virtual space, and cultural equality, focusing on issues such as identity recognition, cultural identity displacement, post-colonial identity gaps; virtual digital construction and virtuality, image expression in virtual space, and spatial power in virtual space, and she proposes the possibility of a futuristic perspective for cultural equality. Zhou Yinglin’s works have a satirical and witty temperament and incisive political attributes based on the research nature, and her projects have condensed a great deal of reflection and analysis.

The artist has received awards such as “the Lumen Prize”, Shortlist; “Future Artist” of the Today Art Museum X InArt, first prize; Lentos Freunde Art Award, Shortlist; “Ruptopia” iART Youth Art Program, third prize; “SAP Art Award”, Emerging Artist prize; and “Upapāduka· the Prologue of Crypto Art”, third prize.

Her works have been exhibited in major national and international art institutions and exhibitions, recently at Ars Electronica Center Linz; Art Basel Hong Kong’s Film Program; UCCA Lab at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art; A4 Art Museum; 13th National Art Exhibition; and O21 OSTRALE Biennale, etc.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]