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Kris Project I: The Never Ending Tale of Maria, Tin Mine, Spices and the Harimau 克里斯計畫 I:瑪利亞、錫礦、香料與⻁
Kris Project I: The Never Ending Tale of Maria, Tin Mine, Spices and the Harimau 克里斯計畫 I:瑪利亞、錫礦、香料與⻁
Kris Project I: The Never Ending Tale of Maria, Tin Mine, Spices and the Harimau 克里斯計畫 I:瑪利亞、錫礦、香料與⻁
Kris Project I: The Never Ending Tale of Maria, Tin Mine, Spices and the Harimau 克里斯計畫 I:瑪利亞、錫礦、香料與⻁

Kris Project I: The Never Ending Tale of Maria, Tin Mine, Spices and the Harimau克里斯計畫 I:瑪利亞、錫礦、香料與⻁

B&W & Color
Single-channel Video
production year /
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(This Work is produced with the generous support of Rockbund Art Museum.)

A joyous song by the iconic singer Grace Chang (Ge Lan) – “The World as One Family” – serves as a prelude to The Kris Project I. Continuing on with the threads in the Mengkerang Project and using imaginary film studio as it’s base, the artist continues to imagine, explore, examine, and explore the issues of “cultural subjectivity” of Malaysia and its neighboring countries. In so doing, it brings out the subtle connections between 1950s and 1960s Asian/Malaysian film industries (such as MP&GI, Cathay and the Shaw Brothers) and the history of the Cold War. Using “film” as a method, it juxtaposes film images from various time and places, attempting to escape from linear historical narratives and arrive at the margins of historical memories by means of estranging narratives about the other. The Kris Project I deconstructs the narratives of Indian epic Ramayana along with many other folklores. It creates a “pseudo-film” by separating sound and image, displacing time and space, as well as adding found documents and images collected by the director (Ravi) – thereby allowing viewers to build an awareness of images on their own and to seek out personal readings of history. (excerpted from program book of “Tell Me a Story: Locality and Narratives“at Shanghai Rockbund Art Museum, co-curated by Amy Cheng and Hsieh Feng-Rong)

Production Team:
Producer: Alison Khor
Cinematographer: Lim Chee Yong
Voiceover: Shanthini Venugopal
Music: Sandra Tavali

以歌星葛蘭極具歡樂氣息的一曲《天下一家》揭開《克里斯計畫 I》的序幕,延續《棉 佳蘭計劃》的線索,以虛構的電影工作室作為基地,藝術家繼續檢視、想像以及探索 馬來⻄亞及其臨近區域的「文化主體性」,並引出 1950、60 年代亞洲/馬來⻄亞電 影(明星)工業(如電懋、國泰以及邵氏)背後和冷戰歷史的幽微關係。以「電影」 作為方法,重疊建構來自不同時空脈絡的各類影像,藉由他者化的異質敘述,跳脫線 性歷史的正軌並試圖跳脫並通往歷史場域的邊緣。《克里斯計劃 I》以拆解印度史詩 《羅摩衍那》和諸多⺠間傳說為敘事文本,聲音畫面分離、時空與素材錯置的「類電影」以及片中導演所搜集的各類照片和文件,讓觀者自行建構影像的意識,找尋個人 的歷史讀法。(節錄自上海外灘美術館《告訴我一個故事:地方性與敘事》手冊,展覽策展 人為鄭慧華與謝豐嶸)

Production Team:
製作人:Alison Khor
旁白:Shanthini Venugopal



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]