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Aftey Flying 飛了之後

Aftey Flying飛了之後

Single-channel Video
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The videos I have created in the past have frequently originated with a concept, as does this one. Here, perhaps, the idea of taking an approach similar to that of painAng directly from life -or nature more aptly describes my iniAal concept. The results produced by taking this kind of approach to painAng reflect the interacAon between arAst and subject in the creaAve process; the arAst confronts the subject, and the fluctuaAons in his or her mood enter the painAng through the brush strokes. Regardless of whether or not the arAst is aiming at a realisAc reproducAon, ulAmately painAng directly from life or nature in this way lies in grappling with the internal fears of the arAst, and not just with the subject itself; the arAst’s fears are implicit in his or her portrayal of the subject.

自然風景(Landscape)被喻為我書寫影像的一張畫布,接著我讓氣球因漏氣從畫外旋進畫內的天空,最 後癱軟地掉入湖面;在這簡短的拍攝過程,縱然不能如畫布一樣留下筆觸,但是透過氣球不尋常的行徑 變化和聲音,的確深深地劃過觀者的腦海形成印象;猶如五○年代阿根廷籍義大利藝術家封塔那(Lucio Fontana)用刀在畫布上劃開一般,這樣的印象讓觀者不經意地在某一刻陷入抒情的感知,雖然很難去描 述,不過在科技和媒體不斷地擴張人們物慾精神的當代,我相信觀者的心中隱含著一股純淨的愉悅。

about the artist /

1981年生於臺灣臺北,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所碩士班。長期投入影像創作,並視影像 為觀看「時間」的想像和思考,企圖從影像生產過度的現下,來重拾影像可能的剩餘「記憶」。作品自 2004年「媒體痙攣(Co4臺灣前衛文件展)」展覽後,便開始在國內重要聯展嶄露頭角,並曾在北京、 上海、香港、巴黎、福岡、美國等地展出。2008年在臺北當代藝術館舉辦個展「靜默突襲」,同年並榮 獲「臺北美術獎」。其作品曾受國立臺灣美術館典藏。


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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