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Sunset 暮
Sunset 暮
Sunset 暮
Sunset 暮
Single-channel Video
production year /
duration /

People today are used to editing photos and videos of their daily life through various filter apps and sharing these moments on the internet. For the 8 minute long video work Sunset, Lin Guan-Ming selected 90 filters sourced online and repeatedly applied these filters to each frame of the 24 frames per second video. The resulting flickering effect reflects the speed in which we consume visual content today, giving a sensation that the images are constantly switching. The works is based on the functions of image editing technology. The artist applies computer editing software to ordinary landscape images, creating a conceivable alternate reality that exists only in the image itself. Reflecting our everyday surroundings, Lin explores the subtle perceptions in the relationship between reproduction and creation.


about the artist /

1981年生於臺灣臺北,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所碩士班。長期投入影像創作,並視影像 為觀看「時間」的想像和思考,企圖從影像生產過度的現下,來重拾影像可能的剩餘「記憶」。作品自 2004年「媒體痙攣(Co4臺灣前衛文件展)」展覽後,便開始在國內重要聯展嶄露頭角,並曾在北京、 上海、香港、巴黎、福岡、美國等地展出。2008年在臺北當代藝術館舉辦個展「靜默突襲」,同年並榮 獲「臺北美術獎」。其作品曾受國立臺灣美術館典藏。


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]