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LAW Jo 羅頌雅

LAW Jo羅頌雅

biography /

Jo Law is an artist, researcher, and scholar who investigates the transformative potential of art, science, and technology in response to our changing sociocultural and political environments. Jo works with divergent media to develop a materialist aesthetic engagement with everyday experiences. Her award-winning screen works have been exhibited in international programs.

Through her media art practice and scholarly research publications, Jo explores how the textual imprints of media and materials in artworks shape human experience. Jo teaches at the University of Wollongong.

羅頌雅是位藝術家、研究員和學者,她以藝術、科學和科技回應我們不斷變化的社會文化和政治環境。 她透過不同媒介,把唯物主義美學與日常經驗結合。她的獲獎作品曾於多個國際節目中展出。

透過媒體藝術創作和出版學術研究,羅頌雅探索媒體文本和物料如何塑造人類的經驗。她現任教於澳洲伍倫貢大學(University of Wollongong)。

vmac archived / artworks from the artist