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Coda: Zuihitsu in 30 Remoscopes 隨筆30日
Coda: Zuihitsu in 30 Remoscopes 隨筆30日
Coda: Zuihitsu in 30 Remoscopes 隨筆30日

Coda: Zuihitsu in 30 Remoscopes隨筆30日

Single-channel Video
production year /
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Coda: Zuihitsu in 30 Remoscopes is a linear video work that follows a set of rules to generate Denkbilder within a zuihitsu format. Two Tumblr blogs serve as initial aggregators that diarised captured fragments: still photographs and one-minute videos (remoscopes) with accompanying captions or titles, from thirty consecutive days spent in Tokyo and Hong Kong, where each dated entry features a selected photograph or remoscope collected on the day.

I am interested in the use of algorithms in producing a single iteration. Instead of using the alphabet, chronology provides the structure. The single-channel linear video aggregates thirty remoscopes chronologically, each beginning with a three-second title. As zuihitsu, these one-minute windows capture daily moments and call attention to both the ordinariness and significance of everyday experiences. Here, the visual images, audio tracks, and texts interact within a Denkbild scaffold.

Gaps between elements and between the thirty segments are deliberately left open, harbouring the potential to disrupt. Like Sei Shōnagon’s lists of poetic images, Coda singles out things to be observed, experienced, and pondered. In this way, a list provides a simple type of algorithm that directs our attention, organises our observations, and catalogues our experiences according to different modes of thoughts. List-making in Coda is an act of pattern recognition that allows experiences to crystallise from a sea of contingencies.



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]