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Voices Seen, Images Heard 看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象
Voices Seen, Images Heard 看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象
Voices Seen, Images Heard 看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象
Voices Seen, Images Heard 看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象
Voices Seen, Images Heard 看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象

Voices Seen, Images Heard看得見的聲音,聽得見的形象

B&W & Color
production year /
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A historian, also an interdisciplinary artist, engages in a self-dialogue of how to write the history of her city, Hong Kong. Drilling the disparate mines of sights and sounds, she re-examines the power and limitation of ocular epistemology, which favors visual perception as the dominant form of knowing. As she ploughs her way through the scanty and homogenous visual documents available, she re-imagines a city that has a precarious history of struggling to hold onto its look or preserve its architectural integrity at the mercy of real estate development. In response, she re-constructs a visual essay that is also a collage of lost surfaces and shadowy fragments of past existence. Her meditation leaves open the potential meanings of each of the sight-and-sound fragments that seem to have spoken to her as she asks how feasible it is to access the past.
Cited works:
Archive footage permitted by Getty Image – footage by Bollenbacher-Berge and Hongkong Government public service announcements and newsreels.

Vintage still photos are paid Xeroxed copies of original stills at the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Hong Kong Government’s Public Records.

Found feature-length motion pictures include:
Hong Kong Nights (E. Mason HOPPER, 1934 , USA)
The Imp 凶榜 (aka Xiong bang; Dennis YU, 1981 , Hong Kong)
Visible Secret 幽靈人間 (aka Youling renjian; Ann HUI, 2001 , Hong Kong)
The Eye 見鬼 (aka Gin gwai; Oxide PANG, Danny PANY, 2002 , Hong Kong)
Chungking Express 重慶森林 (WONG Kar-wai, 1994 , Hong Kong)
All of a Sudden 驚變 Herman YAU, 1996 , Hong Kong)
Blossom in Rainy May 五月雨中花 (QIN Jian, 1960 , Hong Kong)




All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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