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Very Fantastic 好鬼棧
Very Fantastic 好鬼棧

Very Fantastic好鬼棧

production year /
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Very Fantastic includes good ghosts and strange Hong Kong pre-war building. Through representing the odd special effect of Hong Kong streets and Chinese 9 square calligraphy paper, to show how “very fantastic” of the Hong Kong pre-war building and how importance to reserve Hong Kong own culture to be our heritage.
Devote Very Fantastic to my dearest dad, ma and grandma.
The 8th ifva Awards – Animation Category Gold Award

about the artist /

SO Man-yee Stella graduated from School of Design, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Stella So worked as a graphic designer in MILK magazine. She also produced an animated music video for canton pop-singer Anthony Wong’s song featuring Sandy Lam. Stella’s unique animation and graphic style in Very Fantastic has won her many awards from local and international festivals including Gold Award in Independent Short Film and Video Festival 2003, Interfilm 2003 (Berlin), VideoEvento D’arte 2003 (Turin) and has been shown in various festivals screening programs local and abroad.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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