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Non Place ▪ Other Space
Non Place ▪ Other Space

Non Place ▪ Other Space

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Non-place ▪ Other Space is a compilation video work based on my many years of visual ethnography whereby I walked the city and collected images as a personal video diary. This work compiles fragments of the city space in Hong Kong and Macao (1991-2008) to assert the possibility of many spaces and temporal sheets in one single framed discourse. It attempts the states between disappearance and emerging, visible and concealed. “Walking through” is a precarious experience. One penetrates, dives into, emerges and immerses in… In one moment, I see, therefore the video camera records for me; in another moment, the camera sees and retains, then I discover. Automatism leads. Virtual sounds I barely grasp in my mind, and fragments of a voice I have long forgotten, all blended into the placeless other space of non-place. Places and lived moments of disappearance return as the in-between, neither monumental, nor illusionary.



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]