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My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 我的浴缸與大海相連
My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 我的浴缸與大海相連
My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 我的浴缸與大海相連
My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 我的浴缸與大海相連
My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 我的浴缸與大海相連

My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea我的浴缸與大海相連

Single-channel Video
production year /
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My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea is a short experimental work that deals with the idea and experience of anxiety. Like an uncontrollable and inexplicable loop, anxiety often entails short but repeated episodes of intense fear. This feeling of terror comes as a series of unexpected attacks that enslaves the mind of the one who is going through it. My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea attempts to visualize and express this sense of circular entrapment. Through the protagonist’s monologue and her journey of deteriorating perceptions, the work explores the dark state that haunts those who are under the spell of psychological disorders.

《My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea 》 是一部短篇實驗作品,探討焦慮 的概念和體驗。焦慮往往令人陷入無法控制和解釋的循環,帶來短暫但反覆的 強烈恐懼,奴役著正在經歷焦慮的人的思緒。 《我的浴缸與大海相連》試圖以 抽象的視覺表達這種周而復始的困境,讓觀眾跟隨主角的獨白和她漸漸瓦解的 感知,探索經歷心理疾病困擾的人的黑暗狀態。.

about the artist /

TY Lok Yi is a Hong Kong-based artist and animator who likes to fuse abstraction, representation and storytelling in her works. A recent graduate of the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong, her animation My Bathtub is Linked to the Sea received the Louis Koo Creative Media Awards in 2022. Her works have been shown at FILE festival, Videofromes, Image Forum Festival as well as other international art and film festivals.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]