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Interim Measures 過渡集
Interim Measures 過渡集
Interim Measures 過渡集
Interim Measures 過渡集

Interim Measures過渡集

Five-channel video
production year /
duration /

The work is a collection of stories told by five narrators with different life experiences.

Is ruminating on one’s memories is a kind of self-learning or self-defense? In the video, these five narrators have calmly unfolded and told their respective memories and adventures. And through their telling, they’ve translated the crisis of the past into stories. To pour out one’s heart was their respective way in addressing their realities in crisis, such that, those seemingly similar yet varied experiences are unearthed, recalled and replaced, out of the crevasses of one’s memories. From this world they revealed, specific yet urgent circumstances reshape their memories, which are embodied in the different pathways of storage from these five individuals, so the memories could reconnect in the sheltering train carts, as they conjure into an image of shared destiny.



about the artist /

B. 1986 in Xi’an. Currently works and lives in Beijing. Yan Zhou has held his personal projects Where to Begin? : Yan Zhou in OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, 2017. Other recent exhibitions include Mocube Yan Zhou: Coping mechanism, Beijing, 2019; Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum The Lonely Spirit, Beijing, 2018; OCAT Xi’an Mapping the City: A Vision of History and Xi’an, Xi’an, 2018; OCAT Anren New Video in China: New Attitude Since 2010, Anren, 2018.


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]