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Ghost between Island and Land 三留
Ghost between Island and Land 三留
Ghost between Island and Land 三留

Ghost between Island and Land三留

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Single channel video Ghost between Island and Land is an extension of Ding-Yeh Wang’s Family History Series. By integrating the reflections of the sea water, this work narrates the history and memories related to the Black Ditch of Taiwan Strait.

Ghost between Island and Land conveys the concept of the past, present, and future, touching upon Taiwanese migration history, the family history of migrants who traveled to Taiwan from China, and myths legends. The passage of time reveals the deaths and unknowns accompanying exodus and separation, as well as shattered dreams of a better tomorrow. Many people travel to the island with bright hopes and dreams about the future but are faced with the dangers and various challenges while crossing the Black Ditch. There is a Taiwanese saying that among ten people who attempt to cross the Black Ditch, six will die at sea, three will arrive at the shore, and one will retreat and return to China. Several myths and legends describe the sea monsters of the Strait, all indicating the perilous journey across the waters. Throughout the past four, five hundred years, the Black Ditch has taken countless lives, each with different dreams for the future, becoming a graveyard for beautiful memories and visions of a better past, present, and future.

The ghost of past dreamers has transformed into waves on the waters between the island and land. Either peaceful or stormy, the waters have witnessed both hope and despair, glittering in the sun and reflecting segments of history, memory, and all things of the past, present, and future.




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