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LO Yin Shan 盧燕珊
LO Yin Shan 盧燕珊

LO Yin Shan盧燕珊

biography /

Lo, studied Diploma in Design from the Swire School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic. Then on-and-off worked as full-time and part-time cultural worker and journalist – as reporter, photographer, designer and contributor for newspapers, magazines and publication in Hong Kong. Based in Beijing from 2008-2017, first as cultural feature director for Modern Media Group then freelancing for different media and projects, pop or alternative, as ‘a teleporter between hk and beijing’. Since back to our city, Lo has been involved in the ‘archaeology’ of hong kong visual art & cultural scene.

文化雜工。香港理工學院設計文憑畢業,一直參與各種文字及影像工作:本地報章 全職副刊記者及雜誌編輯、業餘攝影師及設計師等。2008年移居北京先任文化專題總 監,其後以自由工作者身份介入兩地流行不流行項目,自稱「介乎香港與北京的 Teleporter」。2017年底回歸香港,開始考與本地藝術文化考古。

vmac archived / artworks from the artist