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Tehran 1380
Tehran 1380
production year /
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A documentary on mass housing estates in Tehran. Through interviews with permanent inhabitants and visitors, professionals of architecture and non-professionals, juxtaposed with images from Tehran, Shahbazi and Zolghadr ask pertinent questions about the place of the city in the process of globalisation, and carve out a portrait of Tehran as a socially heterogeneous, ever expanding metropolis that does not fit into any existing urban planning or aesthetic standards.

about the artist /

/ Solmaz SHAHBAZI lives and works in Berlin. She studied architecture and design at the Stuttgart Academy of Art and Design. Before venturing into photography and film, Shahbazi worked as an architect. Her works have been shown a the 7th Sharjah Biennial, the 9th International Istanbul Biennial and the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art. Since 2001, Shahbazi’s works have been exhibited widely in Europe, the United States and the Middle East. Shahbazi uses the documentary format in both her videos and her photography as a tool to analyse different modes of imagery, expectations of the unknown and possible effects on perception.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist



All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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