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(?)’s Gaze
(?)’s Gaze
(?)’s Gaze
Single-channel Video
production year /
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An attempt to create an intimate examination on the implications of gender roles and identity in a relationship. In order to understand the meaning of masculinity and femininity, dominance and submission, objectification, trust, and love; the couple tried letting go of all reservations and allowed themselves to truly be vulnerable with each other, hopefully in the process forget the existence of the camera. It is a test of shooting a film, and a test of exploring issues in a romantic relationship.

about the artist /

Chloe Yap Mun Ee (b. 1995) is an experimental filmmaker and video artist who is curious about the expressions of form, medium, identity, love, intimacy, as well as their hypocrisies and contradictions. Meanwhile she continues confronting and challenging her own shifting points of view by deploying the distorted wisdom of the audience in one way or another; impartiality is alright, but biased judgments are even better. Her latest work is a video installation, I Don’t Really Want You to See Me, But I Still Want to Show You(2022), where she confronts her fear and guilt towards the cinema image and the power dynamics within its space.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]