In film the lotus and elephants, lotus, Live in the silt but not imbrued; Elephants, holy and noble. A couple of mother-son wearing a gas mask in a barren land, it was revealed that the unknown future, fear in uncertainty, where the pure land on earth? “…Visiting brilliant among the best, elevation the name of lotus.” – Bao Zhao,Fu Rong Fu(Prose of Lotus) “…I’m the only who love the lotus, rising from the sludge, but it isn’t stained. Bathed by clear waters, but it isn’t seductive。”-Zhou Dunyi, On Loving the Lotus According to legend, The Enlightened One,the reincarnation of a holy six tusks white elephant with white lotus on its mouth, appeared in Kapilavastu, and entered into Lady Mayadevi’s left rib,yet…
⽚中的蓮花與⼤象,蓮花,出淤泥⽽不染;⼤象,聖潔⽽⾼貴。 ⼀對
“…訪羣英之艷絶,標⾼名於澤芝。”-鮑照 《芙蓉賦》
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