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Karma Cycle 業報輪迴
Karma Cycle 業報輪迴
Karma Cycle 業報輪迴

Karma Cycle業報輪迴

Single-channel Video
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Wearing a pair of 3M training glove seen regularly in the front line, Ip lifts, pushes, shoves, and run for the perfect BMI and body shapes, these rituals of modern day masculinity building, while performs by a Qian Dan, portrayed by Ip for the first time in costume, a man who play the female lead in Cantonese Opera, it becomes struggles on a multitude of levels. Beach ball spinning is beach ball stuck, trapped in this aimless browsing of ambiguity of the virtual space; unknowingly stuck in this mistful post-catastrophic utopia. In the post internet, post catastrophe age, this piece aims to symbolize protests against all dichotomies of gender, geographies, and contradictions among different eras. Karma is a Sanskrit term for “action” lead to inevitable results, both good and bad, that people experience in either this life or in reincarnation.


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