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KWAN Angel 關倩晴

KWAN Angel關倩晴

biography /

With great interest in experimental video, Angel KWAN aims to express her ideas through moving images. Throughout her studies at CityU, she has engaged in various methods of video-making. She is currently collaborating with the Hong Kong Tourism Board to promote Hong Kong culture and tourism. She started several projects in 2022, producing hand-drawn animation and Adobe After Effects. In September 2022, some of her passion projects will be showcased in a mini exhibition in Japan.

關倩晴熱衷於動畫與實驗錄像,並喜歡透過動態影像表達自己的想法。在 就讀香港城市大學期間,她探索了各種視頻製作技術,並與香港旅遊發展 局合作推廣香港的文化和旅遊業。在2022年,她著手於多個手繪短篇動 畫和Adobe After Effects相關的藝術項目。同年9月,她的其中一項手繪亦 在日本的一個小型展覽中展出。

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