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Forever Tarkovsky Club永遠懷念塔可夫斯基

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Forever Tarkovsky Club was a film club formed by a few indie band players. From the very first beginning, they watched films by Andrei Tarkovsky, so they named the film club as Forever Tarkovsky Club. It started to evolve then — the members sometimes have a feast, write poems and play guitar…And the most enjoyable events of all are, for one, Ah-P from My Little Airport recites a series of poems he wrote for whores, and the other namely, Ho Shan plays the experimental guitar noise he secretly holds up for years. With the rally from the other members, they teamed up the new band Forever Tarkovsky Club, which aims to create some inventive and catchy album for underground parties.

「永遠懷念塔可夫斯基」前身是由數名indie友組成的街坊電影分享會,最初大家只觀賞塔可夫斯基的作品,因而為此聚會取名為「永遠懷念塔可夫斯基」或「Forever Tarkovsky Club」。後來除了看電影,各會員亦開始作詩,又會亂彈吉他,間中大飲大食‥‥‥其中兩個最受會員歡迎的節目,分別是由my little airport阿p朗讀一系列為妓女而創作的詩歌,以及PixelToy何山演奏其隱藏多年的實驗結他噪音。兩人在其他會員鼓勵下,組成了名為「永遠懷念塔可夫斯基」的新樂隊,銳意打造地下party必備之又實驗又catchy的專輯。