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μs (microsecond) - Screening Program by Videotage @ PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai 2019 μs (微秒) - 錄映太奇放映節目 @ 影像上海藝術博覽會2019

μs (microsecond) - Screening Program by Videotage @ PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai 2019μs (微秒) - 錄映太奇放映節目 @ 影像上海藝術博覽會2019

19/09/2019 - 22/09/2019


Through a journey that transgresses time and space, we dive into the transforming aesthetics, forms, and media in Hong Kong video art over the last 30 years, while witnessing the changes in the ideology and visual experience among video artists in different eras.

– John Chow, program curator and VMAC archivist

Curatorial Statement

Videotage is proud to present μs (microsecond) – a parallel time-space with the juxtaposition of local early and contemporary video works, converting the booth into a time machine traveling different eras, showcasing from the time of emergence of experimental works to the millennials works by artists from the new generation.

Since 2008, the Videotage Media Art Collection (VMAC) has been a founding institution devoted to the preservation and expansion of a rich and diverse collection of video and media art in Hong Kong, with materials dating from the later part of the 20th century to nowadays. With the aim of archiving, disseminating, and promoting media works produced in Hong Kong and beyond, the Collection illustrates the progression of art history and media over the last 30 years in the region.

Featuring part of the significant collections of VMAC, the showcase explores a diverse range of both local and non-local moving image works, traveling back and forth within the history of video art production.

By pairing up two videos of the early and present time : From early visual abstraction using TV signal feedback as paints and brushes, to the cutting-edge technology of programmed video and CG animation; from a personal video letter in VHS format to the avant-garde video covering the hidden struggles between modern family relation; from the early sampling technique of frames and motions from classic movies, to the latest approach of internet-found footages collage…These duos demonstrate not only the contrast in different times, media, and generations, but also the changing landscape of video art in Hong Kong, showcasing the huge spectrum of forms in video art history.



– 周皓風, 節目策展人與VMAC檔案員


錄映太奇很高興呈獻μs(微秒) – 將本地早期和當代錄像作品並置的一個平行時空,將展覽空間轉換為一個穿棱時空的時間機器,展示從實驗作品的出現到新世代藝術家的千禧年代作品。




event details /

Date: 19-22/9/2019

Venue: Shanghai Exhibition Centre, 1000 Yan’an Road, Shanghai, China

Running Time: 60 mins, 45 seconds

Johnny AU – Pure Colour (1987, 07’54)
Eric SIU – Sliding Whites (2005, 08’42)
Gina Czarnecki – Infected (2001, 07’12)
HU Rui – Metropolitan Triangle Garden (2014/2015, 03’54)
Ellen PAU – The Fire Sermen (1988, 02’23)
Reynold Reynolds – Burn (2002, 09’58)
Nose CHAN – Replicate (2002, 03’29)
Linda LAI – Doors Medley (2014, 07’00)
Adam WONG – Ah Wai & Murphy (1999, 03’46)
Jennifer CHAN – Boyfriend (2014, 06’27)

Concepted by: Chilai Howard

Curated by:John Chow, Archive Coordinator

日期: 19-22/9/2019

地點: 上海市中心延安西路1000號上海展覽中心

放映長度: 60分45秒

歐子強  – 《Pure Colour》(1987, 07’54)
蕭子文 – 《溜.紅綠藍》(2005,  08’42)
Gina Czarnecki – 《Infected》(2001, 07’12)
胡芮 – 《大都會三角花園》(2014/2015, 03’54)
鮑靄倫 – 《The Fire Sermen》(1988, 02’23)
Reynold Reynolds – 《Burn》(2002, 09’58)
陳序慶 – 《Replicate》 (2002, 03’29)
黎肖嫻 – 《重重門。門對門。》(2014, 07’00)
黃修平 – 《阿偉與婉芳》(1999, 03’46)
Jennifer CHAN – 《男友》(2014, 06’27)

構想: 鄭智禮

策劃: 周皓風

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