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Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海
Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai 異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海

Mirror from heterotopia: 12 Hong Kong creative workers in Beijing / Shanghai異城心照:十二香港文化人的北京/ 上海

Single-channel Video
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“To go, or not to go?” In the past decade, Chow Yiu Fai once has witnessed a northbound movement of many fellow cultural practitioners, and maybe, it’s the time to ask this question again. In this documentation of an academic research project during 2014-2015, Prof Chow interviews twelve Beijing/Shanghai-based Hongkongers – from the well-known novelist Chan Koon Chung who wrote the “China Trilogy” to a post-90s film student from Peking University. A self-reflective journey on (re-)searching cultural identity of the otherness, multi-opportunities and limitation of creative experiences in the brave new world, also, basic ethics and mission of professionalism in cultural industry.

(This work is a collaboration with Chow Yiu Fai)

「走,還是不走?」過去十年,周耀輝曾經見證身邊不少文化人選擇北上,也許,是時候再一 次提問。2014-2015年進行的大學研究項目紀錄片段中,周耀輝訪問了十二位在北京及上海 工作生活的香港人——從「中國三部曲」小說家陳冠中到北京大學讀電影的九十後。一次自 我反照旅程,關乎重索他者文化身份、勇闖新世界創作機遇與局限、文化工作者之底線與使 命感。



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