Cross-listing: D-Normal/V-Essay Artworks List資料庫鏈接:平地數碼 作品列表
Video Content 錄像目錄
Video Zine #1 – Ocular Oracular
錄像雜誌第一期 – 聲影甲骨文
Best Work 最佳作品
Virtual Presence 虛擬的存在
- No One Eating an Apple | Jung Eun LEE | 2019
- Genesis | Huang Anlan (Yasmine Huang) 黃安瀾 | 2020
- Tiny Lisa《蒙娜麗莎的微少》 | Louise Pau 包靖怡 | 2017 **
- The Skin of Our Sheath《電子皮膚》 | RAY LC, MIZUHO KAPPA 羅銳,瑞穂 | 2019
Performing Consciousness 展演的「我」現在進行式
- Everyday, Everyday《每一天,每一天》 | Xuan LIU 劉琁 | 2020
- Comet 01 | LEL | 2020 **
- Yellowish Blue | HUI Gi-wai Echo 許芷瑋 | 2018
- It’s easy to sleep when you needed sleep《當你需要睡的時候你是很容易睡的》 | Florence Lam | 2020
- Longing《夜長夢多》 | NGAI Tsz-kwan Tracey 魏芷軍 | 2020
Hong Kong 我城香港
- If You Miss Home | YIP Kin-bon 葉建邦 | 2016
- Job Undelivered《作業無法傳送》 | TSUI Hou-lam 徐皓霖 | 2020
- Murder Most Foul l (Listening to Bob Dylan’s new release, I fell asleep) | Samson Wong (WONG Pak-hang) 黃百亨 | 2020
- On-demand Channel《點播台》 | 11:45 十一點四十五 | 2020 **
News from around the world 各地來鴻
- Diary of elucidation – Vote《闡述者日記 – 投票》 | Yuyen Lin-Woywod 林于嫣 | 2020
- Solidarity with Aarey | Michael Leung 梁志剛 | 2020
- The Pearl of Moldova | Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu | 2019
Tentacular Thinking 多觸思考
- The Cluster | Deborah Uhde | 2017
- Hypothesis Voyager《假想旅行者》 | Tzu-Huan Lin 林子桓 | 2020
- Algae Dream《藻夢迷離》 | LI Kwan Q | 2020 **
** Juror’s SPECIAL MENTION 評審特别表揚
Video Zine #3 – The Ultra-Realist, The Extra-Ordinary
錄像雜誌第三期 – 非凡超(極)真實
Best Work 最佳作品
- Ultraviolet Garden | Rodrigo Gomes | 2000
- Once Upon a Screen: Explosive Paradox | KEVIN B LEE | 2020
Look for the Signs 聽風。望月。超聲波。
- Light Years | Ivana Durkáčová | 2020
- One World , One Dream | Yinglin Zhou 周莹林 | 2018
- Signal from the rooftop! | Milad Forouzandeh | 2020 **
- < 7 months > | DING Cheuk-laam 丁卓藍 | 2020
Grand narratives, Minor /Local Histories 大敘事微焦點
- Glory of Kaosiung《高雄之光》 | CHANG Chih-chung 張致中 | 2019
- Ultraviolet Garden | Rodrigo Gomes | 2000 **
- Jesa | Kyungwon Song | 2019
A Pocketful of Rye: Ficto-Documentaries 虛實無縫
- Once Upon a Screen: Explosive Paradox | KEVIN B LEE | 2020 **
- aromatics of longing《爆香》 | Jade Wong 黃品蓉 | 2018
- Anthropology of dead body | Hana Yoo | 2019
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 點蟲蟲,蟲蟲飛
- keep going《繼續向前》 | Vanessa Tsai 蔡季妙 | 2021 **
- Tomorrow sounds familiar | Andriana Oborocean | 2020
- Phantom Muyu Part 1《幻電木魚 (上)》 | Peace Wong / WONG Chun-hoi / YUNG Tsz-hong 王和平 / 王鎮海 / 翁子康 | 2000 **
- les mystères de paris | konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[ video ]Flâneu® | 2010
L’automatique: hickory dickory dock 自動波:滴答滴答滴答滴
- Unclear Proof | Max Hattler | 2013
- Fading Stone《退色的石頭》 | CHU Yiu-wai 朱耀煒 | 2020
- Trigger the Lost Past Pass | 張國樑 Ittiteerarak Weera It | 2021
** Juror’s SPECIAL MENTION 評審特别表揚
Video Zine #3 – Presencing… Becoming
錄像雜誌第三期 – 就在此瞬間
Best Work 最佳作品
- A very long exposure time | Chloé Galibert-Laîné | 2020
- The___________World | OUYANG Peixuan 歐陽霈萱 | 2020
- The Years Flow Like Water《日落照》 | PUN Tsz-wai 潘子懷 | 2021
Artistic Truths, Constructed Truths 藝術的真相程序
- singing into the virtual private network | 滑惜子 Hua Xi Zi “Cecilia” | 2020
- The Years Flow Like Water《日落照》 | PUN Tsz-wai 潘子懷 | 2021
- Dear Mr. Ishida | Sebastian Bobik | 2020
- The___________World | OUYANG Peixuan 歐陽霈萱 | 2020
It could have been … 假如你當時在那裡走過 …
- A very long exposure time | Chloé Galibert-Laîné | 2020
- 24 — a letter to my parents | Rannie Ip | 2020 **
- 310 Tung Chau Street《通州街310號》 | Jo Cheng 鄭藹如 | 2016
- A Rock《那⼀天,我變成了⼀顆⽯頭》 | LEE Wai-shing 李偉盛 | 2018
Dwelling in time Moving through space 處於時域,動破空間。
- THE 4000 BLOWS [Les Quatre Mille Coups] | Frederic Liver | 2021
- Two Solos, One Dance, Three Frames | Joseph Lee 李偉能 | 2021
- Swim To the Sea《游游游出大海》 | KT Yau , LEE Wai-shing 邱加希 , 李偉盛 | 2019
Heterotopias 異域:層疊時空
- It just a virtual kiss《這只是一個虛擬的吻》 | Juan Poyuan 阮柏遠 | 2020 **
- Baobei《寶貝》 | Dyan Jong, Lucy Yao, Nancy Huang | 2020 **
- Smart Cities: DYSTECHTOPIA | Gina Peyran Tan | 2020
- Episode 1 — Calling…In the midst of…Virtual Pandemic Opera《你已收到邀請… 在…之中》 | 鄭靖楠 CHENG Ching-nam | 2021
Detournement / Diversions 繞導遊
- Vive Google Maps, Vive L’Amour | 陳省聿 CHEN Hsin-Yu | 2018
- What Can Spinning Be? | Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau | 2020
- What Does Power Look Like? Episode 1: Metaphor | Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau | 2021
- distancing — a mirror of absence《以在場作為逃跑 — 反記錄「我」》 | 鄭鉅深 劉世榮 王嘉淳 CHENG Kui-sum, LAU Sai-wing, Guyshawn Wong | 2020 **
Conjectural Desiring 無證據拋物(線)
- Salina and Lipari《第七天》 | DENG Qipeng 鄧啟鵬 | 2020
- Sometimes It’s Just Not Your Day | Naama Freedman | 2020 **
- You look like a cowboy to me | Heidi E Cooper Bassam | 2021
- NIL nix nul | Louisze Chan | 2020
** Juror’s SPECIAL MENTION 評審特别表揚
Video Zine #4 – Voices from the Atmosphere
錄像雜誌第四期 – 大氣中融融細語
Quarantine: Close Generative Systems 隔離:向內衍生的系統
- Accepts Forgetting, As Well As Remembering | Cici Wu 武雨濛 | 2000
- Entering 2022 with a Peephole of Love | ZHANG Zimu 張子木 | 2000
- Light Flashes, Time Passes《一瞥浮光,恍如隔世。》 | Dory Cheung | 2000
- During the quarantine…(2021.09) | Dory Cheung | 2000
The Inside is Outside, and Vice Versa… 外眺、仰望
- Reach | Kyle Calvin Villiagorda Salen | 2000
- Blocked | Mandy Yau 邱黛珥 | 2000
- Elevator with Me | Chan Hoi-tat 陳海達 | 2000
- The Forbidden Zone《禁區》 | WU Tsz-ki 胡芷淇 | 2000
Self-persuasion 自我勸解
- Death Anxiety | Cora Kwun (KWUN Kam-tan) 官錦丹 | 2000
- lukewarm water, slow-boiling pot《溫水 慢火》 | GUO Rui 郭睿 | 2000
- Unbeauty | Febby Valencia | 2000
- Finding | FUNG Hoi-ching 馮凱晴 | 2000
Spit it Out 不吐不快
To Love, to Be… 愛,存在 …
- True Friend | True Friend | 2000
- Time, Existence & Love | TANG Ka-hei 鄧家希 | 2000
- Zemblanity | TAM Lok-yee Christy 譚樂怡 | 2000
Remembrance is Not Nostalgia 憶記不同於懷舊
- Liminal Memory | Yani Kaye Linsangan Castaneda | 2000
- Rec. | The Filer | 2000
- Street Photography | DAI Chenyue 戴晨岳 | 2000
Open Space: Magic is Around Us 天大地大: 魔法就在身邊
- Possibilities | CHAI Jing-hoong Shine 蔡沁紘 | 2000
- Black Rain | WANG Siyu 王思雨 | 2000
- Dream | TANG Wing-ka 鄧詠嘉 | 2000
- Light Time | NG Ka-kei 吴嘉淇 | 2000
** Juror’s SPECIAL MENTION 評審特别表揚
Video Zine #5 – {SET} #1 Assemblage + Spatial Pressure Calibration
錄像雜誌第五期 – {集}1 聚疊 +空間壓力測試
Events 活動
- Wong Chun-hoi (solo): Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi solo 《勤力費電 – 王鎮海不求人展》 (Jan 2016): playing with electricity circuits to move everyday objects with a Spatial Pressure Calibration event
- Wong Fuk-kuen (solo): Present Continuous – Wong Fuk Kuen solo 《現在進行 – 黃福權個人展覽》 (Aug 2016)
- Taipei Assemblage: 句點藝術群體@類聚集 ensemble (非常廟藝文空間 VT Artsalon, Taipei, June 2017)
- Linda Lai (producer) + FPC: performance Object-Subjectivities《重塑:東西遊戲》(at “No Reference 「沒有先例」, June 2016, Cattle Depot): physicalization of “algorithm” using Conway’s Game of Live for a semi-improvized performance to explore collaborative co-individuation. Though largely improvised on stage, it follows a structure with thematic progression.
- 1st SKM (Shek Kip Mei) Assemblage 《石硤尾聚疊》, 2018.09.23, JCCAC, produced by Wong Fuk-kuen
Timeline 時間線
- 2015.07.15
WCH Assemblage #1: Automatism. One step forward. No Waste | 黃竹坑聚疊(一):不假思索。多走一步。總有點甚麼。 - 2015.09.08 – 2015.09.22
WCH Assemblage #2: I reached out to a stone and picked up a box of paper butterflies |黃竹坑聚疊(二):當摸著石頭,拾了一箱紙蝴蝶 - 2015.09.19
Floating Projects Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.02- Post SICD temporary Grassroots youth art workers 2015 | 據點空間壓力測試 0.02 – 後南港島藝術區臨時草根青年工人們2015 - 2015.11.29 – 2015.12.13
WCH Assemblage #3: Jeng Wo |黃竹坑聚疊(三):堅砌 - 2015.12.12
Floating Projects Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.03: Jeng Wo | 據點空間壓力測試 0.03: 堅 JAM | - 2015.12.20
Floating projects Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.04 : synchronising winter after 3 years | 據點空間壓力測試 0.04 : 三年後的同步過冬 - 2016.01.17
Floating Projects Spatial Pressure Calibration 0.05: hardworking burning challengers | 據點空間壓力測試 0.05: 勤力勇者 - 2016.05.21
Object-Subjectivities: FPC performing at NO REFERENCES 《重塑「東西遊戲」》/據點。句點群體演出於《沒有先例》 - 2016.06.11
Floating Projects Spatial pressure Calibration 0.06 ¬ Manual Operation of the Mechanical Landscape | 據點空間壓力測試0.06 – 手動機械風景 - 2017.05.30 -> 2017-06-10
FPC members / 計劃聚集記錄 Record of ensemble-plan (Taipei) - 2018.08.04
The final WCH Assemblage (n-1) before relocation 黃竹坑聚疊 (n-1) – 清場大亂鬥
Video Zine #6 – The Provisional Imageinary
錄像雜誌第六期 – 暫擬設證
video problematizes 為了策問的錄像行動
caméra stylo: the essaying camera 「電影筆」:滕文成章的攝錄器
- News from Home | LO Wan-ki 盧韻淇 | 2022
- Drifting / jamais vu / Otherworldly《晃蕩·飄飄然·恍如隔世》 | WANG Shuxin 汪淑欣 | 2023
a pathway towards abstraction 具象朝向抽象
Feature (1) LO Lai-lai Natalie’s concrete living 勞麗麗的實體幹活 [節錄]
- Weather girl II《天氣女郎 II》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2020
- Deep Flight《飛天潛水艇》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2017
- Our Minds Drifting Away, Again《一不小心就分了神》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2017
- Rice Flower《米花》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2018
- Aztec Drink《阿茲特克飲料》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2018
- The Day Before The Silent Spring (Excerpt)《寂靜春天來臨前 (選段)》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2020
- The Day Before The Silent Spring (Excerpt 2 – The future is like an eclipse, it keeps flickering)《寂靜春天來臨前(選段 2 – 未來仿如日蝕忽晴忽暗)》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2020
- A Messenger – Passerby in Our Battlefields《飛行備忘》 | LO Lai-lai 勞麗麗 | 2023
Feature (2) Evi PASALTOU & team ANOMIA: the dancer’s body, the choreographic everyday 舞者的身體,穿透日常的舞動:簡介希臘實驗舞蹈藝術群體「無規範」
** Juror’s SPECIAL MENTION 評審特别表揚
videotage programme history /
about the artist /
Hua Xi Zi works and thinks about light and the experience of seeing – in exploring the flowing life and one’s relation with outside systems. From celluloid film, analogue video signal to digital video processing, screen-based and optical projections, installed and performed, Xi Zi questions the existing methods of shadow-image production by experimenting with alternative ways to “un-expose.” It is the refusal to use representational images to explicitly represent one topic, community, or ideology. Her practice and research turned into materiality while asking questions about spectatorship and participation – seeking for the tenderness that withholds freedom and forgiveness. Hua Xi Zi received her MFA in Film, Video, New Media and Animation at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and BA in Cinema and Media Studies at University of Southern California.
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
about the artist /
Hou Lam Tsui (b. 1997) is an artist who works across moving image, sculpture, installation, and text. Her practice centres around personal experience, affect, gender politics, and peripheral storytelling. Tsui rethinks how femininity and queerness are imagined within cultures, critically exploring how media and consumer desires shape emotions, our notion of love, femininity, and identities by drawing inspiration from pop culture, advertisement, anime, literature and beyond.
Her work has been previously exhibited and screened at ACMI (Australia), Art Basel Films (Hong Kong), Beijing International Short Film Festival (China), Guangdong Times Museum (China), Para Site (Hong Kong), Tai Kwun Contemporary (Hong Kong), among others.
Tsui lives and works in Hong Kong. She received a BA in Fine Art and History of Art from the University of Leeds in 2018 and later obtained an MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2024.
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
about the artist /
Beatrice Wong, born 1980 in HK and based in HK ever since, is a transgender outsider artist with a lifelong struggle with mental issues, and expresses her dilemmas in life through personal creative projects and mediums including stand-up comedy, contributing to the LGBTQ anthology ‘Intimate Strangers: True Stories from Queer Asia’, short films screened at various LGBTQIA film festivals around the globe, and recently, photography with her WMA Masters finalist work ‘No Opportunities (for Beatrice)’ being exhibited in Hong Kong City Hall. Beatrice also DJ as Misty Penguin.
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
about the artist /
Wong Pak Hang, Samson (b. 1995, Hong Kong), is an artist working across mixed media and digital media, including photography, video, painting, and installation. He graduated with a fine art degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018 and is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media degree at the City University of Hong Kong. His recent works explore everyday experiences in both real and virtual realms, reflecting on civilisation and human nature through a humanistic lens.
Wong received sponsorship from WMA, Hong Kong, to attend FotoFest in Houston (2022) and was awarded the “2046 Fermentation + Fellowship” by Para Site, Hong Kong (2022). His first solo exhibition, Screensalver, was supported by the “New Light Exhibition Scheme” from Lumenvisum, Hong Kong (2020). His work was also shortlisted in the Media Arts category for the 24th ifva Awards (2019).
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
about the artist /
vmac archived / artworks from the artist
All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
For enquires, please contact [email protected]