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slow dating also [present continuous]

slow dating also [present continuous]

Single-channel Video
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“slow dating” is a short video series for “Slow Dating-Human Instrumentality Project”, a queer dating event under BOTH SIDES NOW V: Queer.

“slow dating also [present continuous] is about Shmily, an out and gay elderly sharing with us his good old (and present) days of dating, his memories in drag, and his urges to the society to view the gays as no deviance.

When it used to be an ambiguous time for the lgbtq community, “tongzhi” would use secret codes and references to identify themselves and set off gaydars in the old days. For Shmily, doing drag is not only about gender performativity, but about putting on a theatrical performance, and more importantly looking and feeling radiant. At 75 and coming, he is still [present continuous] as straight couples are, as young folks are, and as performers are.

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All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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