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Cross Harbour Tunnel 過海隧道
Cross Harbour Tunnel 過海隧道

Cross Harbour Tunnel過海隧道

production year /
duration /

Wong’s no-budget indie (dreamt up in a night, shot in a week) tells four distinct stories which intersect in the manner of Mystery Train. They range from character-based comedy (a young couple nervously venture into a ‘love hotel’ for the first time) to Grand Guignol melodrama (a Filipina maid seeks revenge on her two-timing lover – the actress being the director’s mother’s real-life maid). The best strand is the wicked parody of Tsai Ming-Liang’s Vive l’amour: a young guy finds a key to someone else’s apartment, starts using it as his own and falls in love with its temporarily absent owner – who turns out to be another boy. Often unashamedly flip and juvenile, the film has enough sparks of invention and wit to keep most people watching.

about the artist /

Lawrence Wong (1972) began his career in radio before turning to film. He is currently persuing the MBA program at Columbia University in New York. Cross-Harbour Tunnel is his début.

vmac archived / artworks from the artist


All copyright reserved by the artist. 作品版權歸藝術家所有。
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