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SU Hui-Yu 蘇匯宇

SU Hui-Yu蘇匯宇

biography /

Su Hui-Yu was born in Taipei in 1976. He obtained an MFA from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2003, and has remained active in the contemporary art scene ever since. Su is fascinated by the intricate tapestry interwoven by images, media, history, and daily life. In his videos, he explores both mass media’s impact on viewers, and the projection of viewers’ thoughts and desires onto media. Recently, Su’s interest in old books, from which he re-reads, revises and appropriates texts for his work, has led him to a new understanding of physicality, existence, and history. His work has been exhibited at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, MOCA Taipei, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Hong-Gah Museum, Double Square Gallery, Tina Keng Gallery, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, San Jose Museum of Art in California, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Casino Luxembourg- forum d’art contemporain and Power Station of Art in Shanghai. In 2017, International Film Festival Rotterdam dedicated a retrospective to Su’s video works, while his video piece Super Taboo had its world premiere in the Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films. Su returns to the Tiger Short Competition in 2019 with The Glamorous Boys of Tang. Su has been awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship Award and participated in a residency program in New York City in 2009. In 2019, Su wins the 17th Taishin Arts Award- Visual Art Award. In addition, his latest production Future Shock is award by Kaohsiung Short Award and exhibited in Art WuZhen in China. 


蘇匯宇的作品曾先後展出於北美館、國立台灣美術館、台北當代藝術館、關渡美術館、高雄市立美術館、鳳甲美術館、忠泰美術館、加州聖荷西美術館、康乃爾大學強森美術館、墨西哥尤麥克斯美術館(Museo Jumex)、德國波昂美術館(Kunstmuseum Bonn)、盧森堡卡西諾當代藝術中心(Casino Luxembourg)、曼谷藝術文化中心(BACC)以及上海當代藝術博物館(Power Station of Art)等重要機構,並獲北美館、國美館、高美館、忠泰藝術基金會、驕陽基金會與澳洲白兔美術館典藏。2019年獲台新藝術獎年度視覺藝術大獎,亦曾獲文化部「海外駐村獎助計畫」獎助與亞洲文化協會(ACC)「國巨科技藝術獎」。2017年獲邀鹿特丹影展(IFFR)舉辦藝術家個人專題放映「Su Hui-Yu: The Midnight Hours」,作品《超級禁忌》入圍影展的金虎獎短片類競賽(Tiger Award for Short Film)。2018年新作《唐朝綺麗男》參展「台灣美術雙年展」後,二度獲得鹿特丹影展金虎獎短片競賽邀請。蘇匯宇2019年的新作《未來的衝擊》討論一本1970年代的未來學同名著作(Future Shock,Alvin Toffler著),該作甫獲高雄市電影館「高雄拍」獎助,並以三頻道裝置形式首展於「烏鎮當代國際藝術邀請展」。