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CAHEN Robert

CAHEN Robert

biography /

Robert Cahen is a seminal figure in the European art realm and is firmly positioned and widely regarded as one of the most important personalities in the field of experimental video. In Cahen’s uniquely nuanced world, fiction and document alike are presented as metaphoric voyages of the imaginary, exquisite reveries that describe passages of time, place, memory and perception.

His research has been haunted by the notion of passing: passing from fixed image to moving image, passing from a place – and a time – to another, transformation of filmed reality and eye, exploration of sound related to the image. His approach is part of an always-renewed dialogue between visible and invisible, narration and poetry, distance and presence, confronting another world, a world made different – beautiful, disturbing by metamorphoses of time and space.

The Sight of Time exhibits major works of the artist, integrating these images to an installation device and introducing the visitor in the heart of imaginary landscapes. After earning a degree from the National Higher Conservatory of Music of Paris in 1971, Cahen trained as a composer and studied with Pierre Shaeffer. He became a member of the Musical research Group of ORTF (National French Radio and Television organization) and then took charge of experimental video research at INA (the National Audiovisual Institute) until 1976.

Since 1997, his works (video and video installations) have been shown all over the world in Contemporary Art Exhibitions such as Shanghai Art Museum (Biennial), MAMC of Strasbourg, Contemporary Art Museum of Santiago (Chile), The Museum of Modern Art, New York (Video View Point) or the Documenta 8, Kassel.


他的實驗作品的理念在於轉移:固定影像轉移到移動 影像、地方和時間不斷轉移、攝錄現實的變換以至 聲音與影像的探索。他的手法是透過時間和空間的變化,表現出有形和無形、敘事和詩趣、遠和近這些互相對立,又各有不同,同時造就美好和混亂的世界之間時刻在變的對話。

《時間觀》展覽將Cahen一些主要的作品配合展示裝置展出,誠邀觀眾深入幻想的領域。 1971年,Cahen獲法國國家高等音樂學院頒發學士文憑後,跟隨Pierre Shaeffer學習作曲,並加入法國國家廣播電視局的音樂研究部。其後負責法國國家視聽藝術學院的視聽研究工作至1976年為止。
