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Video Ensemble

Video Ensemble

26/06/1999 - 18/07/1999

S…s…so…so…sou……soun…………sound of video.
Video tape is in fact a tape recording both image and sound. We however often pay much attention to its imagery and seldom discuss its sound.
On the other hand, video tape is a tool at home for people to record programmes from TV. It is a tool for ‘copying’. Copying music and sound for one to enrich one’s image is more often a norm than an exception. We may be brilliant in ‘copying’ such music and sound. We unknowingly however bury our ‘creativity’ at the same time. So, two things to explore in this ensemble, sound and creativity. No worry for image- -it will always be there.
Participating video artists Mark Chan, Olive Leung, Makin Fung, Ip Yuk-yiu, Ng Tsz-kwan and Ellen Pau- are invited to create their own music or indeed ‘sound’ for their 4 images of ‘human face’ to be displayed in their 4 monitors each. All 24 channels of sound will be orchestrated at first by the 6 artists together at the opening and will then be orchestrated by the audience who can create their own sound pieces through monitoring remote control of the sound. Every piece is a new creation. And, the 24 images will sound differently for each orchestration. A creative process for the artists as well as for the audience.
So, how many new pieces of s..s….s….. will there be out of this video ensemble?

我們往往忽略錄像中聲音的可能性,也往往忘記了在觀賞中也可以創作。這個展覽嘗試探討錄像媒介中的聲音與創造 – 當然少不了影像。錄像藝術家陳錦樂、梁菁雯、馮炳輝、葉旭耀、吳子昆及鮑藹倫各自在四部電視機上展示新創作的音樂或聲音,及四個 ‘人面’影像。六位參展者在開幕當日一起 ‘指揮’ 24 部電視 ‘合奏’,之後每一位參觀者均可以擔任指揮,以遙控器調較聲量,創作自己的聲音/ 影像作品。展覽對於參展者和觀眾都是一個創作的過程。

event details /

Date: 26 June – 18 July 1999
Venue: 1aspace

references / related

vmac archived / related artworks