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WU Wenguang

biography /

Wu Wenguang, born in 1956 in the southwestern province of Yunnan, is an independent filmmaker and writer and the most influential proponent of China’s New Documentary Movement. In 1974, after graduating from high school, Wu was sent to the countryside where he spent the last few years of the Cultural Revolution. From 1978 to 1982, he studied literature at Yunnan University, after which he became a journalist for Kunming television (1985–88). His documentary works include Bumming in Beijing —The Last Dreamers (流浪北京——最後的夢想者, 1990), its follow-up, At Home in the World (四海為家, 1995) and 1966, My Time in the Red Guards (1966, 我的紅衛兵時代, 1993). In 1994, Wu co-founded the Living Dance Studio (生活舞蹈) with his partner, dancer and choreographer Wen Hui. Based in his workspace in Beijing Caochangdi (草場地), he in 2005 launched the documentary series The Folk Memory Project (民間記憶計劃).