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THNG Victric

biography /

Cited as “one of the new wave directors to look out for” by The Straits Times, Victric Thng’s filmmaking career started when he made a 3-minute short film Locust (2003). The film won the Renault Samsung Prize in the Busan Asian Short Film Festival, Best Asean Short Film Silver Award at the Malaysian Video Awards and also screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Locust remains one of the most highly requested films from festivals today. He has since made 11 other short films including The Mole (2007), which won first prize at the Panasonic-MDA Digital Film Fiesta 2007, and Twogether (2007) which screened at the 27th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival in 2009. In 2009, he executive produced the short film series “Infinity” which premiered at the 22nd Singapore International Film Festival. He was commissioned by the National Arts Council in 2010 and 2011 to direct a film under the dance/film programme, as part of the Singapore Arts Festival.