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LIN Tzu-Huan 林子桓

LIN Tzu-Huan林子桓

biography /

LIN Tzu-Huan Lin creates video and installation-based works. To address problems in the digital era, his works embrace a broad variety of subject matters and sources, including mythology, historical events, science theory, pseudo-documentary, and sometimes abstract narrative works coupled with immersive installations. Lin was born in 1986 in Taipei. He received an MFA in Digital Arts at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, where he is based. Lin’s work has been included in international group exhibitions such as ”the 15th Digital Art Festival Taipei,” “the 6th International Video Art Exhibition,” “ADAF 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival” and solo exhibitions at Taipei Fine Art Museum and Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, also in Taipei.

林子桓,1986年生於台北台灣,目前生活與創作於紐約布魯克林。於普瑞特藝術院於2013年畢業。創作形式以敘事性的影片與浸入式的空間裝置。空間裝置通常包含雕塑與繪畫。議題以研究的方式結合不相同的事件以探索藝術的不同樣貌與數位時代的問題。利用各種各樣的資源,包括神話,歷史事件,科學理論,偽紀錄片,有時是抽象的敘事作品,與沈浸式裝置相互作用。創作的內容以研究為出發點,透過對研究主題的理解後再自我詮釋與其他相關議題結合,在散亂的敘事中漸漸形塑出作品的主題。並透過空間裝置去強化觀者的感受作者對主題的世界觀。作品曾展出在2020台北數位藝術節01Love,“離線瀏覽Offline Browser|2018 第六屆台灣國際錄像藝術展”,“ADAF 2018 |第14屆雅典數位藝術節”,2020關渡美術館個展“假想圖集與旅行者”,2017年於台北美術館的個展“銜尾蛇”等。