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HUNG Ada 洪竹筠

HUNG Ada洪竹筠

biography /

Ada found a blooming interest in arts, music, cinema, books and photography when she was engaged in theatre productions at the age of 18. At the beginning, “taking pictures” was only meant to record subjects of beauty and curiosity. Recently she started editing and designing photo publications and from there, evolving her works around storytelling.

出生於香港,中六時因參與劇場工作坊開始接觸美術、音樂、電影、書籍、攝影,隨之而來的 興趣一發不可收拾。「拍照」往往因為想直白地記錄一些好看、奇趣的事物,近年開始編輯和 設計不同的出版企劃,嘗試從故事出發。

vmac archived / artworks from the artist