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Micromégas: France 微觀巨世:法國
Micromégas: France 微觀巨世:法國
Micromégas: France 微觀巨世:法國

Micromégas: France微觀巨世:法國

24/03/2023 - 25/03/2023

Micromégas is a media art exchange residency between France and Hong Kong initiated in 2021. In this second edition, Hong Kong artist Kingsley Ng visits Paris in 2023 for residency and presents his residency project Passage (INTERLUDES) at the 2023 Cinéma du réel.

「微觀巨世」是由Videotage和法國駐香港和澳門總領事館於2021年策劃的駐留及文化交流計劃。 在節目第二階段,香港藝術家伍韶勁於2023年到訪巴黎進行駐留計劃,駐留期間創作之作品 《Passage》(INTERLUDES) 於2023法國真實電影節上映。

event details /

Rolled out in 2021, Micromégas is an artistic and cross-cultural exchange residency encouraging conversations on media art between France and Hong Kong initiated by Videotage and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau . For the second edition of the programme, Hong Kong interdisciplinary artist Kingsley Ng visited Paris for his residency, exploring the city in search of stories and inspirations for a new artistic creation. Kingsley will present his new project Passage (INTERLUDES) which he developed during the Micromégas residency at the 2023 Cinéma du réel.

Micromégas: France residency programme is co-organized by cneai, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, K11 Art Foundation and Videotage, with support from Cinéma du réel, Lafayette Anticipations, HKADC and Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Creative Arts.

Date: 24-25/3/2023
Location: Grande salle, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Passage | Kingsley Ng

Emptiness is a document of absence. In every absence, there is a story of loss. What dwells in lingering emptiness? When theatre seats are filled again, Passage contemplates the loss behind their once emptiness and what continues to dwell in a void. Paying tribute to Herz Frank’s Ten Minutes Older, the action will take place through a reversal of the screen and spectators. Instead of being seated in the auditorium, the audience would rather find their places on the stage and look back to the vacant seats. An abstraction of drifting clouds, constructed with pixelated lights, glides across memories of loss and lingering absence, on a mental sky in crimson, like dusk.

「微觀巨世」由Videotage和法國駐香港和澳門總領事館在2021年策劃,是為香港及法國新一代媒體藝術家而設的駐留及文化交流計劃。 踏入計劃的第二階段,香港跨界別藝術家伍韶勁去年到訪法國巴黎並進行駐留計劃,透過探索這座城市為其最新藝術作品尋找故事和靈感。他於法國駐留期間創作的最新作品 《Passage》(INTERLUDES) 將在2023法國真實電影節首度亮相。

「微觀巨世:法國」由cneai、法國駐港澳總領事館、K11 Art Foundation與錄映太奇合辦,獲法國真實電影節、老佛爺藝術基金會藝術中心及香港浸會大學創意藝術學院的支持,以及香港藝術發展局的資助。

地點:法國巴黎龐畢度中心Grande salle

Passage | 伍韶勁

空空如也,是一種缺席的記錄。 每一場缺席,都有一個關於失去的故事。 在揮之不去的空洞中,有什麼縈繞不散? 當影院再滿座,《Passage》回望曾經的虛席:它們失去過什麼?有什麼在虛空中仍然存在?作品向Herz Frank的《十分鐘後》致敬,然而,光影流動之間,螢幕跟觀眾位置對換。走進影院,觀眾會安坐台前,回過頭來,靜觀滿場空座。 那裏,光點構成抽象的浮雲,漂過回憶中的失落和執意的留座。這個天空赤紅,像暮色的黃昏。

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