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In Memory of Sikay Tang - A Glimpse of Tang’s Three Video Works 紀念鄧晰琦 - 鄧晰琦三部錄像作品放映

In Memory of Sikay Tang - A Glimpse of Tang’s Three Video Works紀念鄧晰琦 - 鄧晰琦三部錄像作品放映


The programme features three video works by Sikay Tang from the 1990s to the early 2000s, revolving around the complexity of her own life that touched upon cultural identity, gender and sexuality, home and belonging, and her special feelings towards Hong Kong and New York cities. Some of her work has not been publicly screened before. The screening will be followed by a 30-45 minute discussion.



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Date: 03/02/2024 (Sat)
Time: 2:30 pm – 4 pm
Venue: Videotage
Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong
Free Admission


1. In Search of an Allison
1992 | 16’52” | Colour | English without subtitles 

A 17-minute process of a woman putting on makeup with a voice over revealing her early childhood memories of growing up as a Chinese girl in Hong Kong.

2. Phrases
1994 | 5’13” | Colour | Cantonese, English without subtitles

A 5-minute juxtaposition between an English-As-a-Second-Language instruction video and a day in a life of a food deliveryman in New York City.

3. How to Make FuFu in Hong Kong
2002 | 14’17” | Colour | Cantonese with English subtitles

An exercise bicycle demonstration becomes a point of departure and suggests an environment of cross cultural misunderstandings and prejudice. At the same time, How to Make FuFu in Hong Kong? follows Anike, a Nigerian woman living in Hong Kong, as she goes about her work shopping for ingredients and cooking food that she will serve in the restaurant she operates in her home in Chung King Mansions. Her customers are mostly African migrants who are looking for a welcome space and a home cooked meal. She talks about some of the challenges she faces.


Time: 3:15 pm – 4 pm
Speakers: Hung Keung, Olive Leung
Moderator: Travis Kong
Conducted in Cantonese


Sikay Tang (1967-2023) was born in Hong Kong and grew up in New York. After having studied photography and sculpture at the University of Chicago and fine arts at the Jan van Eyck Akademie in Holland, Sikay turned to film and television.

Between 1997 and 2000, she lived in Hong Kong. During this time, she set up her studio with Videotage at Oil Street Artist Village (the former Government Supplies Department Headquarter) for her own artistic development.

In her photographs and video-works she mixed her own background and traditions.

Her video installations have been exhibited in Witte de With Gallery, Volkenkunde Museum and Oude Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht, the Netherlands, Raum Aktueller Kunst in Vienna, Austria, International Triennial of Photographic Art in Rovaniemi, Finland, and Shedhalle in Zurich, Switzerland.

Sikay was an acclaimed editor. She edited and produced for Independent Lens, American Masters, and Frontline for PBS, Moyers & Company, ABC News, Firelight Media, 7th Day Film, and Three Waters Productions.

Highlights of her editing credits include award winning documentaries The Good Soldier (Emmy Award 2009), Beijing Taxi and Chisholm ‘72– Unbought and Unbossed (Peabody Award 2005). Her work in television includes being an editor with Bill Moyers on his weekly show, Moyers & Company, distributed by American Public Television. Previously, she produced and edited for ABC News.

She also taught classes at Temple University in Pennsylvania and Third World Newsreel in New York.


時間:2:30 pm – 4 pm

1. In Search of an Allison
1992 | 16’52” | 彩色 | 英語無字幕

一段長達 17 分鐘的女子化妝過程,獨白揭示了她作為一個中國女孩在香港成長的童年記憶。

2. Phrases
1994 | 5’13” | 彩色 | 粵語及英語無字幕


3. How to Make FuFu in Hong Kong
2002 | 14’17” | 彩色 | 粵語,英文字幕

由示範健身單車開始,刻劃一個存在跨文化誤解和偏見的環境。與此同時,《如何在香港製作FuFu?》講述一位居住在香港的尼日利亞婦女 Anike 日常忙於採購食材,在她位於重慶大廈的家中經營餐廳,烹飪家鄉菜的故事。她的顧客大多是非洲移民,他們希望有一個受歡迎的空間和一頓家常菜。當中她談到了自己面臨的一些挑戰。


時間:3:15 pm – 4 pm






她的錄像裝置作品曾在荷蘭鹿特丹的Witte de With Gallery、荷蘭萊頓的 Volkenkunde Museum 、荷蘭馬斯垂克的Oude Bonnefanten Museum、奧地利維也納的Raum Aktueller Kuns、芬蘭羅瓦涅米的國際攝影藝術三年展及瑞士蘇黎世的Shedhalle等地展出。

晰琦是一位備受讚譽的剪接師。她曾為多間媒體及電影公司剪接和製作節目,包括美國公共廣播公司的《獨立鏡頭》、《美國大師》和《前線》,比爾‧莫耶斯的訪談節目《Moyers & Company》,美國廣播公司的《ABC新聞》,Firelight Media,七日印象電影有限公司,以及Three Waters Production等。

她的剪接作品包括多部獲獎紀錄片:《The Good Soldier》(2009年艾美獎)、《北京出租車》和《女強奇瑟姆》(2005年皮博迪獎)等。她在電視界參與的剪接工作,包括由美國公共電視台發行、比爾‧莫耶斯主持的每週節目《Moyers & Company》。此前,她亦曾製作和剪接美國廣播公司的《ABC新聞》。

此外,她亦曾在美國賓夕法尼亞州的坦普爾大學和紐約Third World Newsreel任教。


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